In 2020, Center for the Pacific Asian Family (CPAF) was stretched beyond what we thought we were capable of, andthroughout the process, we remained resilient and steadfast. CPAF was able to continue providing our core services whilesimultaneously transitioning to hybrid work. Our 24-hour crisis hotline staff were first responders to thousands of urgent andintense calls and our shelters kept families safe. We adapted to meet emergent needs as COVID-19 was not only a healthcrisis, but also an economic and social crisis compounded by the rise of anti-Asian racism. We housed additional survivors inhotels through a partnership with LA City’s Mayor Garcetti. We also provided financial assistance to clients whoexperienced hardship and job loss. The challenges and uncertainty brought on by the pandemic have been opportunities forCPAF's growth and expansion. Our community programs were unbounded by geography and reached thousands ofindividuals beyond California through our virtual trainings, events and outreach efforts. CPAF has embraced change and willcontinue investing in our technology, infrastructure and innovation. Our ability to pivot was made possible by our brilliantand committed staff, board, volunteers, interns and generous donors. My heartfelt gratitude to all our supporters andpartners who invest in CPAF's mission and vision for a safe, violence-free world for Asian and Pacific Islander (API)communities and all communities. “Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.” —bell hooks“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.” —bell hooks Debra Suh, Executive Director With Gratitude,
Prevention &PartnershipCPAF remained & to provide critical support to thesurvivors, children, youth & families we serve. Between January 2020 - December 2021: 91% of graduates successfully exited into transitionalshelter program or found safe & permanent housing;57% increased their income prior to exiting ES96% of program graduates found safe & permanenthousing; 83% of program graduates increased theirincome upon exitResponded to hotline callers in 22 languages/dialects & provided counseling, case management & supportgroups to our NR clients 72 survivors were served, receiving approx.10,460 bed nights; additional 115 survivorssheltered in hotels Emergency Shelter83 women & their children receivedcomprehensive transitional shelterprogram servicesTransitional Shelters24-Hour Hotline & Direct ServicesCPAF responded to over 8,000 calls &supported 200 Non-Residential (NR)clients Trainings on parenting with nonviolence & healthyrelationships aimed to address the root causes ofdomestic & sexual violence, particularly in the APIcommunityTrained 114 parents & adult allies, 77 schooladministrators, community leaders & partners & 126 youth leaders
CPAF provided a safe spacefor survivors to call & sharetheir experiences in-languageof mental health concernsdue to isolation & socialdistancing, anti-APIdiscrimination, lost educationor employment, financialchallenges, death of lovedones & testing positive for COVID-19. CPAF worked to resolvegaps between victimservice provision &homelessness. CPAF helped47 survivors who had lostjobs receive approximately$177,000 in financialsupport for arrears, rent,utility payments, childcare,employment/educationalsupplies & more.CPAF found new ways to house survivorstransitioning from crisis tosafety. Through ProjectSafe Haven, a partnershipwith LA City’s Mayor Fund,CPAF housed an in hotel stays.CPAF transformed itsshelters into vaccination &testing clinics to address &prevent exposuresto COVID-19. Our threeshelter facilitiessafely housed families instrict accordance withCDC/DPH guidelines.CPAF adapted to meet the increasedneed for more intensive & urgentservices for our clients brought on by thehealth & economic upheavals from theCOVID-19 pandemic, along with theescalation of anti-API racism & hateincidents seen across the country. Thank you to our supporters,partners, board, staff, interns,& volunteers!
CPAF's culturally responsiveservices were able to meether needs immediately. Through Project Safe Haven,CPAF was able to house Mayand her children safely in ahotel during the pandemic.The day before May wassupposed to move into CPAF'sEmergency Shelter (ES), shegave birth to a healthy babyboy. "May" didn't speak English, had3 children & was 7 monthspregnant. May's husband lost hisjob during the pandemic,became increasingly abusive, &angry about the pregnancy.After he threatened to stab &kill May, she finally sought help.May heard about CPAF throughher church & called our hotline.It took courage to call since shewas afraid of losing childcustody, her immigration status& the stigma.A few months later, CPAFmoved May into theTransitional Shelter (TS)program as she neededadditional time to buildskills. While in TS, both Mayand her eldest teenagerlearned how to drive andthey successfully got theirdriver's licenses. May and her family moved outof TS when the opportunityarose for affordable housingas a result of her Advocateinitiating the housing processduring ES.CPAF staff ensured May, herchildren and her new babywere provided with all theirbasic needs, PPE and rapidtest kits, to keep them safefrom COVID-19.May continues to receive support from CPAF through rentalassistance while she recuperates from loss of income due tothe COVID-19 pandemic. Her Advocate recently visited Mayand her family in their new home and they are thriving. She isconsidering opening her own catering business and hereldest teenager is working part-time and attending college.After May moved into ES, herAdvocate helped her connectwith a lawyer at Legal AidFoundation of Los Angeles inorder to obtain a restrainingorder and thereafter, adivorce from her abuser,which was an arduous task asmany legal offices wereclosed or remote during theSafer at Home order. A courageous journey through CPAF's services
CPAF's agility to shiftprograms & services tovirtual settings allowed forin-language collaborations,community events &trainings to take place notonly in Los Angeles, butthroughout California &across the country -CPAF embraced change & pivoted to virtual servicesCPAF delivered 21 trainingsto & 122presentations to . CPAFhosted 65-hour Advocatetrainings & quarterly DecodingLanguage & Culture trainings,incorporating trauma-informed & culturallyresponsive services.CPAF by providing laptops,equipment, remote support& migrating to cloudservices for employees towork from home whilemaintaining confidentialityduring the Safer at Homeorder. CPAF providedclients & children toaccess remote work &schooling platforms.CPAF organized its in June 2020,attended by . Our API YouthForum was facilitatedthrough online workshops &trainings. The theme, "RiseUp, Speak Up, Step Up,"aligned with the Black LivesMatter movement in thecontext of police brutality & racial justice.
In January 2022, CPAF launched a new communicationscampaign, . CPAF envisions not onlyadvancing the dialogue of familyviolence and sexual assault, andreducing the stigma and shamesurvivors face, but also bringingpeople together to stand in unityagainst API hate, discrimination, and violence.In 2020, staff formed a RacialJustice Committee (RJC) to discussthe priorities and direction forCPAF in committing to becomingan anti-racist organization. RJCand CPAF's leadership willcollaborate in order to establishvalues of racial justice and equitywithin CPAF structures, policies,and practices. CPAF is now a hybrid organization. Wehave committed to deepening oursustainable practices with an eye towardfuture times of uncertainty. This includescontinuing to enhance our IT infrastructureand strategically expanding ourdevelopment and communications team. CPAF is committed to racial justice, unity & advancing technology.
Stay informed about the meaningfulwork we do in the community.Click the icons & follow us @cpaforgLet's connect!Subscribe: CPAF's 2nd Annual Zine is publisheddigitally and printed, then distributed in communities throughout LA County.This year's theme is "Love At theIntersections" and has a collection ofartwork, photography, and writingprompts that explore various forms oflove as well as info about communityresources. Read our Zine!Digital access: Interested in digital advocacy orgetting involved in outreach & events?Enjoy taking care of children? Able tointerpret/translate API languages?Want to support callers on ourhotline? Donate your time to CPAF.Join us! Apply: Email: volunteer@cpaf.infoThe API Youth Forum provides a spacefor youth to share ideas and resourcesto prevent sexual violence andpromote healthy relationships.You're invited! Sign up: & June 18, 2022Boys & Girls Club West San Gabriel Valley328 S. Ramona Ave., Monterey Park, CA 91754CPAF continues to look toward the future & engage with our communities.
After a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are excited to announce that CPAF will host our annual gala in-person, celebrating hope & community at the Or visit
Total $4,987,520Government Grants Private Grants Contributions/Other Income Donated Goods & Services Forgiveness of Debt Income Total $4,770,820 $3,121,448 650,000 430,001 280,889 505,182 $1,654,608 2,278,402 722,696 115,114 Government Grants63%Private Grants13%Forgiveness of Debt Income10%Contributions/Other Income9%Donated Goods & Services5%Emergency ShelterRevenue & Support Reported % Expenses Reported % Community Programs Shelter Programs Management & General FundraisingFiscal Year 2020-2021Community ProgramsTransitional Housing 3548 15 2 63139 510
Nila CainglitRebecca LeeRoselma Samala Carol ShinHelena YiJin ChunJoyce ShimazuKatherine WongThao YahiroThomas YeeYusin UmAilee MoonEllen SuhPatricia NevillePreeti KulkarniShelley SantoSylvia SonWe thank you for your continued support in our programs!January 2020 - December 2021 Current members are in bold
Support CPAF's missionCommunity Center3424 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 1000Los Angeles, CA 90010323-653-404524-Hour Multilingual Crisis Tax ID #95-3532351For more info click on the iconsCPAF's youth space@violencefreecpaf